Dominic Scott

Chaz and Dan

Chaz has spent a lot of time, over the years, in hospitality; almost all of it on the customer’s side of the bar, there was a pub in the family for a while and like most people, he’s worked behind a bar or two.

“I’ve been lucky enough, through my previous jobs, to visit a lot of nice bars and restaurants and they all had two things in common, great people serving great food & drinks and that’s what we want to do at The Ship Inn – we hope you enjoy it”

Dan, born & brought up in South Africa, loves his home country’s culture of bringing people together for food, drinks and conversation. Combine this with many years working in hospitality, including running his own pub and Dan knows how to make you feel welcome.

“The Ship Inn is, excuse the pun, a flagship – I wanted to make sure that the ethos behind working there was that we built a family, and the family loved being there so that the happiness clearly translates through to the customer. I really think the sky is the limit for The Ship Inn and I hope people will be talking about the atmosphere, the food, the service & the drinks, in all the right ways, for years to come.”

Dominic Scott

Jenine Daubney

Meet our general manager, a culinary storyteller with a passion for creating unforgettable experiences—Jenine. Hailing from the shores of Canada, Jenine’s journey to the Ship Inn is a tale woven with threads of heritage, inspiration, and a love for Lancashire’s rich tapestry.

“I knew I wanted to be a chef from a young age, and my career has seen me work in many restaurants over the years, in Canada, England, and Mexico. I have worked from the bottom to the top, and I hope this passion for storytelling is felt by every guest who comes through the doors at the Ship Inn. My hope is that people will come for the food, but stay for the warm Canadian hospitality.”